Sunday, April 10, 2011

Margaret Atwood "The Handmaid's Tale" Essay

While I was reading this book "The Hand Maids Tale" I took note that it often spoke of the color red. Many things were signified with the color red, like the dresses the handmaids must where when they go out in public, the red vans. This got me wondering what is behind the significance of the color red, what is meant by its use. I also want to look at what effect labeling something with certain colors like the color red in this case has on people in a cult. I think if I can better understand the meaning behind this I can better understand its use in this book. Its not just the color red that is used to label something in this book. The wife's would wear blue dresses. So it can help me better understand many different aspects of this book.

If you want to learn more about the book "The Handmaid's Tale" or purchasing the book please visit

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